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The Intellectual Foundation of Information Organization (Digital Libraries and Electronic Publishing) - Elaine Svenonius
For more reviews, check out my blog: Craft-Cycle

Despite this book's infamous nickname as the "red devil", I actually enjoyed reading it. Yes, it is a lot of information. Yes, it is dense. Yes, sometimes you have to reread to really understand. But I found the short chapters less intimidating and that the book had a good flow. I had to read this for my IO class last semester and much preferred the writing to some of the other textbooks that I had to read that seemed to repeat the same information over and over again to sound more complex than they really are. This one was short and sweet and I appreciated its manageable length.

I'm heading into my second semester working toward my MLIS and can already tell I am drawn to organization and cataloging so it may just be that I am a natural IO nerd. If you don't like cataloging, this book is going to be a struggle. But I found it helpful in understanding the basics of the field. It probably also helped that I had an amazing professor.

Good writing that packs a lot of information into a concise package.