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This Is Just My Face: Try Not to Stare - Gabourey Sidibe
For more reviews, check out my blog: Craft-Cycle

This book was such a joy to read. Even while reading stories that weren't necessary happy or funny, Sidibe's words feel so raw and real while still showing her strong, brave, confident self, you can't help but instantly be hooked. 

In this book, Sidibe looks back on events in her life that helped form her as a person and get her to where she is today, not in a way that wants the reader to pity her, but in a way that appears truly therapeutic, to her and to the reader. The book reads like a bunch of stories she just wants to get off of her chest as well as a shout out to all of the people who have dealt with similar issues. Whether it's eating disorders, depression, Internet hate, hair issues, or a multitude of other topics, there is so much the reader can really relate to. I loved the focus on confidence and not letting other people's hurtful words get to you. It's a message we can't hear enough. 

I just loved reading this book. It was instantly engaging and I felt so connected to the writing. 

There are so many emotions evoked in the stories. Most of the time, I was laughing and smiling because Sidibe is freaking hilarious. But I also felt sad, inspired, empowered, angry. It really pulls you in and makes you feel like you're talking to your best friend. Those are the best kind of memoirs. 

Well-written, entertaining, and enlightening, this is an amazing book. I am so glad I read it.