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Cooking with the Grinch (Dr. Seuss) - Tish Rabe, Tom Brannon
For more reviews, check out my blog: Craft-Cycle

I was pleasantly surprised by this book. 

With the newest Grinch movie out and working with two little Grinch fans, when I see a Grinch book at the library, I snatch it up. I will say I have been rather disappointed with the most recent onslaught of Grinch books based on the new movie. I haven't seen the movie yet, but the books were rather dull. I grabbed this from the library, figuring it would be okay and the kids at work would enjoy looking at the pictures.

Then I finally read it. It is actually very good. For starters, I really admire Grinch books that actually rhyme. As soon as I open one to find that doesn't rhyme, my heart goes out of reading it just a little bit. What's the point of a Grinch book that doesn't rhyme? That's just my personal preference. I'm a bit biased toward the original. Continuing on. 

The story itself is also very cute. It's not just a rehash of how the Grinch tried stealing Christmas. This is a story that occurs after all that and it is amazing in its simplicity. 

Also, the pictures are adorable. They are just Grinchy enough for me. They have the same style as the original Grinch, but are still new and different.

This is a Step 1 book for preschool to kindergarten readers. It uses rhyme, big text, simple words, and picture clues to help young readers.

Excellent story with great pictures. I really loved this one. It definitely made my shrunken heart grow at least one size today.