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Cinderella and the Furry Slippers - Davide Cali, Raphaelle Barbanegre

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This is a hilarious and awesome book. Great new spin on the Cinderella story.

I love fairy tale retellings. Honestly, I probably love them more than the original fairy tales, because of all of the weird sexist scenarios and not-so-great messages in the originals. Which makes me love this one even more.

First off, the play on the original "furry slippers" is great. I love the joke about glass slippers being a "funny idea" and instead having fur slippers as there is a common debate about whether the glass slippers were introduced due to a mistranslation or if Charles Perrault just wanted a more fanciful shoe than the fur ones. The author clearly knows the original source material and adds an admirable twist to the well-known version of the story. 

And the whole story was just funny. I love that she calls the fairy godmother from an ad and that the results were not what she expected. The dance competition was also great and her first meeting with the prince brought a smile to my face. 

Plus, it has a really great ending with a splendid message.

I also really enjoyed the crazy, quirky illustrations. Barbanegre created a wonderfully detailed environment with a mishmash of styles and colors. Loved it. 

A weird book that I loved. Great story, great illustrations, great read.